Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails 

Ruby on Rails

Mesterképzés fejlesztőknek! 

Óraszám: 40 óra

Időtartam: 4 hét

Ár: 174.500 Ft + ÁFA

Kód: RoR

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Amit megtanulsz:
  • Introduction to Ruby
    • Setting up the environment
    • Language basics
    • OOP in Ruby
    • Ruby stdlib
    • Introduction to gems
  • Testing
    • Unit-testing with rspec
  • Ruby on Rails
    • MVC introduction
    • RESTful principles
    • ActiveRecord in depth
    • Controllers and views
    • Forms
    • User management, permission handling
    • Adding Javascript to a Rails application
    • Building real-time applications
    • Developing REST APIs with Rails
    • Debugging Rails applications
    • Testing Rails applications
      • factory_bot, capybara, selenium
    • Deploying Rails applications
  • The world beyond Rails
    • Other web frameworks (Sinatra, Grape)
    • CLI scripts